Talk to Us
Did you know you can make a gift to MMRI today that provides significant benefits to you and supports our lifesaving research in the future?
Investing in the future of medical research means an investment in all of humanity. To accomplish our goals, we rely upon the generous support of thousands of like-minded citizens and friends who share our belief in the paramount importance of better health. This generosity has helped the Institute’s vision to build scientific teams that can combine molecular biology, chemistry, computation, technology, and engineering to create novel approaches to understanding and deciphering causes of disease. Using this knowledge, and with your continuing support, we will advance basic research to clinical application, therapeutics, and cures. The impact of your planned gift can be greater than you ever thought was possible.
What will your legacy be?
NEW: Another ACGA rate hike! Learn how that could mean more income for you.
Getting Started
There are many planned gifts that won’t affect your existing financial resources, but will have a significant impact on Masonic Medical Research Laboratory. Give to the institution you care so much about, while maintaining control and flexibility.
Make a Bequest
A bequest is a gift provision in your will or revocable living trust. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred to Masonic Medical Research Laboratory at the end of your life.
The Ideal Gift for You?
When determining the right gift option, it’s vital to first decide your most important personal and family goal. This could range from maximizing tax benefits to preserving assets for your heirs.
Life Income Gifts
Planned giving is a great way to support MMRI while generating income for yourself and your family. Learn about the gifts that allow you to give to MMRI while generating income for yourself and your family.